Monday, March 2, 2009

Deep Freeze

March 2nd
Here in Southern Ontario we have been in a deep freeze for 4 days. I'm so tired of it. I decided a thermometer picture was in order. It was minus 18 when I took this picture tonight but the temperature is dropping.


~BridgetL~ said...

OMG I don't know how you guys do it. I can't take the cold. Glad to see you back!

jandokan said...

It's ridiculous... it should be warm by now :P
Hope my award will warm you up ;)
take a look at my blog!!
and give it to 4 other bloggers!!

Hugs Anja
Be smart, make art.

Sharon Caudle said...

Been too long since I've been to see you girlie! I've been a bad blogger!! Hope you're starting to warm up!! hugs!

Denise said...

Minus 18??? Oh my! That's just way too cold! Stay inside and have some hot chocolate!

pammie~k said...


pammie~k said...

miss seeing your updates - hope all is well

Christi said...

You haven't bben around. I miss you updates. I hope everything is ok with you.

Anonymous said...

Project365 seems to have turned into project61... ;)
I know you've been taking the pictures Mom, I would love to see them!