Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31st Anja is Combining and the Hawk

am posting two pictures today because I couldn't choose just one. The first one is Anja riding in the combine harvesting the wheat she was checking yesterday.

This picture is of a hawk with his dinner.


Chirpin Is Fun said...

Just checking on your blog...haven't done that in a while! Your pics are so awesome and you seem to always have great subject matter living on a farm!

jandokan said...

What a fantastic picture... and I mean the hawk :P:P:P

Love the countrylife :D


~BridgetL~ said...

Great pics Candace. I am able to post. Yippee. But for how long I don't know.

pammie~k said...

Go Anja!

Carmen van Leeuwen said...

Great pics and i mean the one from Anja too ;)
Carmen van Dansik