Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept. 12th Annual Corn Roast

The annual neighbourhood and friends corn roast was a great success again.  On the side of the picture you can just see the sparks from the huge bonfire. It was great fun and the corn was awesome.


Denise said...

Awesome! We don't do anything like this around here. Our neighbors hardly even speak to anyone! Looks like fun!

jandokan said...

Ohhh wish I was there too...
looks great!!


~BridgetL~ said...

Oh I want to come and visit you. You have so much fun. Always something going on where you live.

bevb said...

Sure do wish I had been there. Love that corn. Looks like all is having a blast. Of course, it was only 5.5 hours away.

debbieb said...

Wow looks like you had a good time