Monday, September 28, 2009

Sept 26th Watermellon Anyone

The watermellon are huge now. I guess they like all the sun we've been having finally.  Mmm, Mmm, Good!


Denise said...

WOW! They ARE huge! I'm not a big fan, but DH love watermelon! He'd have a field day with those!

bevb said...

Heck yeah, I want one. Bring a couple and we will take cut it up as our healthy treat.

6 wacky women said...

Awesome pic, Candace.
They are huge. Probably delicious too!!

Karen x

Vintageandjournals said...

Wow never seen this big one's before,at least not here in the store LOL.
Take care..

~BridgetL~ said...

Oh I wish I could come and get some watermelon from you. My boys just love watermelon

debbieb said...

you bet, could you send me one..they look delicious.