My daughter, Tamara gave me this beautiful plant for Easter.
April 20th
David and Jackie. I love this picture.
April 21st
These antique tools are displayed on the side of the house.
April 22nd
Molly is growing like a weed and is just to cute for words.
April 23rd
Jackie will go anywhere with David, even on the tractor.
April 24th
Another tractor to be refurbished.
April 25th
The Magnolia trees are all in bloom. They are so beautiful but don't last very long.
Molly is a beautiful pup.
Again I love all your pics. :)
I love pansies, they're my fav...
I can see why you love the photo of David and Jackie... it's a beautiful one :)
it's a pitty the Magnolias don't last longer!
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